Welcome! Updated frequently! Suggestions and critiques are encouraged as I'm trying to up my drawing abilities. Any sort of comments and even requests (see shoutmix box to the left) are also welcome! Thanks for dropping by and hopefully I'm able to keep the ideas flowing, the pencil moving and the daily updates coming. | my other art blog | sign guestbook | view it | thank you, come again. -viince
ps. Fyi: 1. you don't need a username to leave a comment. anyone can comment. i love feedback haha. 2. i ask for requests for those days when i'm drained of ideas so make as many requests as you want. 3. i really appreciate you taking time to check out my doodles.. with all sincerity. Alright, take it ez-pz.
The one above is my friend zack and i, it's not the picture of my in my kangaroo costume with the blonde kid, it's the second picture of zack and i, we're sitting down.
This one's really cute :) Could you draw a ballerina?? PLEASE?!
Scratch that. Don't draw a ballerina, doodle my signature please!!!!! OR even better this picture of me and my best friend:
The one above is my friend zack and i, it's not the picture of my in my kangaroo costume with the blonde kid, it's the second picture of zack and i, we're sitting down.
The one above is a post with my signature and the bottom of it.
Thanks! :D I would love a doodle of either one! :D
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